Archive for November, 2007

How to Leverage the Value of a Board Support Package

Wednesday, November 21st, 2007

Ron Fredericks writes: There are three separate views to what defines an effective Board Support Package (BSP). I believe each of these views is correct as independent descriptions of a BSP. But together these views provide insight into the embedded target from equally important perspectives or engineering disciplines. Read this post to learn more about the essence of embedded systems and how Wind River’s VxWorks BSP architecture has been a critical success factor in comparison to many other real-time embedded operating system executives and kernels available today.

I chose to discuss Wind River’s VxWorks BSP because of my familiarity with their product line, my understanding of their BSP as a competitive product compared to other real-time kernels, and because of my industry accomplishments working with Wind River’s BSPs:

  • Ron Fredericks wins Wind River’s prestigious Navigation Award for designing, launching, and marketing the first online interactive social network for BSP’s. more>
  • Ron Fredericks wins Aiysis’ Million Dollar Club Award for nurturing a Wind River partnership between VxWorks and Aiysis DriveWay BSP tool kit that generated over one million in annual sales. more>
  • Ron Fredericks co-author’s an article with Xilinx on How to Design Field Upgradable Systems based on FPGA Internet connectivity with VxWorks BSP’s. more>
  • Ron Fredericks produces an online video: How to Prototype a Device Driver [or BSP] in Less Than – Wow! – 5 Minutes for a Freescale application processor / communications co-processor System on Chip (SoC). more>

A similar high level discussion can not be made for most embedded Windows or embedded Linux BSP’s today. This is because the BSP for these monolithic kernels are not as modular as a real-time executive kernel such as VxWorks. Indeed other real-time kernel vendors can and do take advantage of the BSP too. But, the VxWorks BSP just took more advantage of this natural separation between board support and kernel tasks earlier in the marketplace and has been an advantage for its customers as a result ever since.

Target Board with BSP connected to a host workstation
Figure 1 – Embedded device with BSP connected to a host workstation

As shown in Figure 1, most BSP’s today, even those for embedded Windows and embedded Linux, do have a robust set of boot options. In many cases a BSP can be used on its own to network attach to a shared file system where the full operating system and application can be loaded. In this way, a device under development need not be the device where development takes place. The BSP in this case forms the basis for a cross-platform development environment – a big plus for developers of embedded systems. Developers often expect cross-platform development to include a BSP with a limited network stack to load new code onto the target hardware during a cold reset. The BSP might use JTAG on-chip run-time control, RS232 serial port, FTP, Bootp, TFTP and RARP, or even a command shell with a full network stack, as the boot loading protocol. But what ever host to target connectivity is used, cross-development allows a high end workstation to be used for time-saving development along with an easy way to download the resulting compiled relocatable object code or a linked and located image onto an embedded target.

For hardware vendors, the BSP is a very useful partner tool. If a hardware vendor makes a set of boards along with a bus pre-assembled as a subsystem or just a single board computer, the BSP allows its clients to leverage this hardware for software development right away. So a hardware vendor can select major operating systems that meet the needs of its target client base and offer a BSP suitable for these operating systems. Usually the BSP is not a licensed product from the operating system vendor and can be bundled royalty free or under very libral license fee conditions. In this way, the operating system vendor or the open-source community, can partner with this hardware platform as a known reference for direct end products or for development of custom products. The horrible alternative is a slow hardware bring-up using new hardware for the first time to build a unique BSP – a very slow and expensive procedure where few software debug tools are available. JTAG or other N-wire run-control devices can be used with an operating system vendor’s debugger in some cases when a robust BSP is not already available. Silicon vendors and I/O device vendors can leverage this technical marketing strategy too.

I encourage Microsoft and embedded Linux communities to consider improving their BSP strategy to deliver more value from a separate BSP structure too. I also encourage my readers to go ahead and submit comments to this blog post if you know of other vendors with good BSP designs as the marketplace is always changing.
