Archive for October, 2006

An Influential Place To Communicate

Monday, October 30th, 2006

Wet Leaf

Are you interested in increasing your influence in the embedded system’s marketplace? Are you looking for a place to self-publish your content and have it seen by lots of other professionals? Then this blog center may be just the place for you. Embedded Components, Inc. (ECI) recently integrated WordPress to drive this blog center. WordPress is full of features and offers a robust support community.

Do you know how to blog, pingback, digg, tag, link, feed, and reach into the “long tail of the curve”? No? No problem, we’ll teach and help you. Yes? Great, then you already know there is synergy in participation. That’s what our blog center is all about – increase your influence – lower your promotion and support costs. We’re already the experts in embedded blogging:

Now it’s our turn to help others!

If you are interested, then take the next steps: (1) comment on this initial post, and (2) as part of your comment, request a free author’s upgrade to be an active contributor.

This can be your team’s independent site to influence engineers, marketers, and enablers in the device manufacturing community. We offer this site as a free service to you, or you can sponsor a custom virtual community.

– Ron Fredericks

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Hello world!

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006

Let’s start blogging!