Publishing Awards |
The president of Embedded Components has received several awards for his active
participation in publishing. Contact us to request
more information on how our writing, newsletter, multimedia,
eBook, and Internet design services can be used to generate
more sales, increase market awareness, create concise
technical documentation, protect your intellectual
property, and create web site content that delivers
more results now.
Award received for community
service as Software Development Forum (SDForum)
newsletter editor. As editor, each of the 15 meetings
held per month by SDForum needed volunteer writers
to submit special interest group write-ups; feature
meeting speaker each month had to be interviewed
and a feature article written by the editor; advertisement
and back-up material needed to be prepared in
advance to keep the newsletter in the mail monthly
for 2,500 bay area technologists to read. The
editor managed a paid staff to publish, mail,
layout, and copy edit the content. A company newsletter
is a key marketing strategy and community service.
Embedded Components can develop and manage your
newsletter requirements too. Click here to learn
more about the Software
Development Forum>

received for the design and publishing of Wind
River's first automated interactive Board Support
Package web site . The preparation of this web
site required leadership in coordinating Wind
River's marketing and engineering teams together
along with 100 hardware partner company teams
in the creation of a large volume of technically
accurate content for this interactive web application.
This BSP web site was promoted by news and media
outlets such as CMP and Dr. Dobb's Journal as
the first of its kind. Embedded Components can
design an exciting web tool for your stockholders
and customer prospects too. Click here to see
the Wind
River BSP web site>

A patent was awarded for
the design of a new method for making organic
materials invisible to infrared sensors. The ability
to document the method and provide a clear example
for using the method was a vital part of having
the patent accepted; beating competitors to market;
solving technical problems that translated into
increased market demand and revenues for Dairy
and Food Laboratories - a U.S. patent was awarded
to Ron Fredericks as coauthor on record - Patent
# 4,510,072 Composition having neutralized differential
infrared absorbency. Embedded Components can
help your company protect its intellectual property
while creating additional demand for your products
and services too. Click hear to read the patent>
