Synergy with bloggers

Long Tail of the News Curve

Ron Fredericks writes: In a previous post I talked about using a blog site as an influential place to communicate. Why is it influential? Primarily because an individual can self-publish their thoughts while linking to other posts and sites that are relevant. To take this concept one step further, the question comes up “How shall I motivate other bloggers to promote my story/initiative/whatever?” Clearly, if you can just get a whole bunch of influential bloggers to write about your story in a positive way, well then your message would be read and perhaps even accepted by many more people.

The problem is that individual bloggers don’t like to be told what to do with their blogging activity and time. I read an interesting post this morning on Stephen Walli’s “Once More unto the Breach” blog titled Blogging and Traditional Marketing that describes the situation exactly.

There may not be a single way to use bloggers to generate influence and create improved marketing exposure. However, Steve Rubel’s Micro Persuasion blog post titled How to Pitch Into the Long Tail News Curve describes how to work with bloggers more effectively:

  • Identify Leading Blog Influencers
  • Plant the Seed with the Bloggers
  • Hit the Mainstream Press
  • Regenerate the Story with Other Bloggers

But the answer was clearly explained by Stephen, take the time to build a relationship with a blogger before you ask them to help you create influence or build marketshare.

Morgan Stanley: An Update from the Digital World: from Morse Code to blogs, 2004

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One Response to “Synergy with bloggers”

  1. Richard J. Nelson Says:


    I presume the point here is trying to answer the question “How do I get my ideas accepted to the point of action?”

    Behind this question is motive. Is the action to benefit an individual, a group, or a community?

    People are motivated by a range of influences and the marketing types among us study many of these. Getting a large group of people to work on a project may be done in various ways, but in the end, people do things for people. The project idea appeals to their reason, but volunteer work requires passion which appeals to their emotions. The problem with most blogs – I know nothing about blogs – it seems to me, is the unidirectional aspect of a blog. Because the participants cannot feel personally as part of the idea, the less rational participants – most of us – don’t participate. Each person has 24 hours in their day. In this we are all equal.

    The missing element is getting personal. Without the personal element the human voluntary resources needed for any project will be limited. I suppose that politicians would call this “grass roots.”

    Richard J. Nelson

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