Engineers and Business Development

My Shoes

What shoes do you wear? Business. Engineer. Something magical? It takes all three to develop a new embedded device… The dichotomy between the engineering community that builds product and management that funds production of product is where the magic lives. Ethical considerations seem to me to be the common ground between these two groups within the corporation. Build a good ethic within your organization so executives can fund the correct projects designed by professionals with the requirements clients genuinely desire using, safely.

One resource for learning how:
Rethinking Business Ethics
Rosenthal, Sandra B.; Buchholz, Rogene A.

– Ron Fredericks

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One Response to “Engineers and Business Development”

  1. Embedded Components and Tools Blog Center » Blog Archive » ROI as an Effective Communications Tool for Engineers Says:

    […] In a previous post I introduced the idea that ethics might be the common framework between this dichotomy. In this post, I suggest that engineers might apply this ethical approach by taking some time out to learn the language of business development from a financial management perspective – a financial definition for return on investment (ROI) – an ethical approach to decision making during the typical project. […]

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