Working with drupal 5.1 is easy Drupal 5.1 with Trackback support and Spam filter added

Ron Fredericks writes: This is just a note to point out to my readers that drupal is an easy content management system to use. Over time, ECI will be adding more of the drupal features to improve its community experience. Drupal includes multi-user blogging as well as forums and many other core and extended modules. You can see my new drupal personal site in action from here.

Drupal 5.x is easy to install: I was able to easily update from drupal’s beta 5.0 version to the latest production 5.1 version. I was also able to add two new drupal 5.x modules called Trackback and Spam to match some of the nicer features I am accustom to here with ECI’s WordPress Embedded Components and Tools Blog Center. I suspect that I will have to switch from drupal’s 5.x Spam module to the akismet anti-spam module as akismet really works great here on my WordPress blog. Let’s see how the Spam module works out!

Drupal site upgrade: I used the 5.1 production release dated 2007-Jan-30. I followed the instructions with no problem what so ever. It just worked!

Drupal Spam module: I used the 5.x-1.x-dev development snapshot, dated 2007-Feb-20. The install.txt file accurately explained the few short instructions needed to add and configure this module to my web site.

Drupal akismet spam module: Currently there is a 5.x-1.2 official release, dated 2006-Dec-31. Having had great experience so far with the akismet WordPress module here on my Embedded Components and Tools Blog, I have opted to try the drupal spam module first.

Drupal Trackback module: I used the 5.x.1.1 official release, dated 2007-Mar-09. The install.txt file had one documentation error that I was able to work around. The work around was to simply ignore this step (there is to trackback.mysql file included in the tar ball):

(3) There is a file called trackback.mysql. You need to
feed this to your mysql:

mysql -u user -p password < trackback.mysql

Let me know if there are specific drupal modules you would like to see on ECI’s web site…

2 Responses to “Working with drupal 5.1 is easy”

  1. [Ron Fredericks] Says:

    Enhance Drupal Blog with Technorati Tagging…

    Ron Fredericks writes: I continue to work on building my blog with drupal by adding features that I am use to using with WordPress on the Embedded Components and Tools Blog Center.

  2. pzbvewklxl Says:

    Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! cxwmpigkkm

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